Wednesday, November 12, 2008

On pins and needles- not knitting related.

My oldest baby is having surgery today. It is not one of my kids, but the last of the pets that I had before kids. I was fortunate to have my childhood pet around when I had my children. Poor Tiny had to be put to sleep when Arianne was 4 and Logan was 2. We had 3 dogs prior to having kids. Tiny was the first to go. I need to scan a picture of her as all my photos of her are prints and no digital. Then Oct 2006 we had to put Thunder to sleep.

Tinyka, said like Tiny-Ka as a puppy looked just like Tiny and was her size, is having dental surgery. I know that it is not as bad as some other surgeries, but she is being put to sleep for the surgery and she is 12 years old- which is something for a big dog. I can't help but worry. I can't wait for it to be time for me to pick her up. She had surgery 2 years ago and I made plans to pick her up and to take care of her that evening. I ended up having a work emergency and was not able to pick her up- DH did and had her at home. He called me and told me to hurry home as all she kept doing was standing at the kitchen window staring out. When I got home she cried and cried. I calmed her down and she went to her bed and crashed. Every now and then she would wake up and look for me. As soon as she would see me, she would put her head back down and go to sleep.


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