Sunday, July 06, 2008

I have been knitting

It has been so long since I last posted. As everyone, work, kids, and life are always consuming my time:0) I am actually pretty lucky so I can't complain.

I am trying to work on knitting ADD, it is really hard to see a project all the way through. I have completed 3 hats, 2 needle knit and 1 loom knit. A felted yoga bag, it is too small.

I am working on a sweater for my son- I need to finish it up before he has out grown it. I frogged a pair of socks for him recently as he has grown. I am not casting anything else on the needles until I have finished:
Sweater for DS- working on last arm, need to finish neckline, and then seem up.
Socks for DS- frogged first pair- 70% done, this time I have finished the toes- knitting the pair.
Socks for DD- 1 sock is done. Having the second sock syndrome.
Sweater for DH- only finished the ribbing for the front.
2 Monkeys- The principal and a teacher asked me for a Bono - see blog post below, I have 1 Bono 50% done.

I know that if I go through my stashes I will find more things that I need to finish, but I think the above is a good goal for me to get through before I let myself cast on a new item.

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